
Kohlrabi 3 Ways

Kohlrabi is in the cabbage family alongside cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli.  It is delicious eaten both raw and cooked. Very low in calories and rich in antioxidants like carotenes, and Vitamin A which is beneficial for vision. Kohlrabi is also rich in Vitamin C which will help fight infections and boost your immune system. This veggie […]

The Big Corntroversy of 2019 And the Power of Media in Creating Food Confusion

So, maybe you saw the Bud Light Super Bowl commercial. The one where they shame Miller Light and Coors Light for using corn syrup as one of their ingredients in their beer. The commercial basically calls them out and suggests that having corn syrup is bad and that Bud Light has a superior product because […]

Beets 3 Ways

Beets are chock full of  betaine, which supports healthy blood vessels and healthy liver function. Beets also contain the important nutrients folate and potassium. Beets can be prepared a variety of ways, whether it’s  baking, boiling, steaming, or shredded raw and loaded on fresh salads. They are delicious no matter how they are made! Beet […]

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