
Episode #113: What Exactly Is Functional Nutrition?

What do we do exactly? It’s a question we often get asked! Are you experiencing pain and frustration and not getting any answers? Do you feel as though you are being let down by the medical system?  Are you being given pills and medication just to manage a symptom?  If you said yes to any […]

Episode #112: Superfood Or Superspice? The Benefits Of Turmeric

In this second part of my conversation with Dr. Shivani Gupta, she details the amazing benefits of turmeric. We discuss her gut health protocol for staying safe when she flies or is worried about getting sick, and she explains exactly what to look for in a therapeutic-level turmeric supplement. Dr. Gupta shares what type of […]

Episode #111: Inflame-aging: Why We Don’t Need To Decline As We Age

I talked with Ayurvedic Doctor Shivani Gupta about her integrative approach to health, well-being, and most importantly an area she is passionate about, controlling inflammation. If you aren’t sure what Ayurvedic medicine is, Shivani explains this time-honored holistic approach to healing, and how it saved her life. Dr. Shivani Gupta and I had a fantastic […]

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