Episode #181: Body Alignment As A Key To Health
I never truly knew or understood how impactful body work could be until I interviewed Faysal Abi today on my podcast. Faysal is a leader in the area of understanding the human body’s design, function, pain and the mind-body connection to it. If you are dealing with any type of chronic pain issue you are […]
Episode #180: Genetics Talk With Dr. Shivani
I love the incredible amount of detail I learn from a client’s genetic report. From there I create a DNA blueprint that takes all that technical knowledge and turns it into something they can understand and use to create real change in their lives. So many people come to me having spoken to other doctors […]
Is All or Nothing Thinking Impacting Your Health?
You’ve been “good” all week and then you go out with some friends and they order an appetizer to share. It’s loaded with cheese and it’s fried – and it’s definitely not on your “accepted food list”. At first you try and resist, but after the cocktail you had (you promised yourself just this one), […]