Balance and Restore

Helping Your Body Systems Overcome Illness

At this point, managing chronic pain and illness feels like a full-time job. Navigating the overwhelming and confusing (and sometimes conflicting) information, can leave you wondering what is the best course to follow.

You’ve talked to your doctor, tried things like acupuncture, herbs or other treatments and you still don’t feel well. You wish that you could return to the way you used to feel, and you wonder if it’s a forgotten possibility.

Balance and Restore can support you by releasing toxicity and find real relief.

A one-on-one personalized program built to help you identify the root cause of your discomfort and pain, we’ll design a therapeutic nutritional plan to balance your system and restore your health.

When you’re out of balance, it affects how you function – you only feel pain, fog and the frustration that comes with chronic pain. We offer a solution that provides hope – with tools and strategies that can better manage and restore health.Balance, Restore and Stabilize. Work directly with Meryl to create a personalized program that will make you feel better.

Phase 1: Understanding the Root Cause

Go beyond your diagnosis – we’ll investigate and find the true cause of your pain, discomfort or illness. Unlike what you’ve experienced before, we go beyond your symptoms and find out what’s behind that to create a plan to attack the real culprit of your pain or discomfort. During this phase, we’ll explore your personal medical and lifestyle history, possibly order testing to see what other factors are playing a role in how you are feeling and then we follow-up to create a nutritional plan that is designed to break the cycle your body’s been in (even after years).

Phase 2: Get You Balanced: Feel well and Think well

We’ll focus on implementing a personalized therapeutic nutritional plan that will make you feel better right now. The difference between a healthy diet and a therapeutic diet is that a therapeutic diet is one that is rich in the nutrients and minerals your body needs do what it is designed to do – heal itself.

Most often, we heal the body through diet alone, but sometimes we bridge the gap using supplements, so you can feel balanced.

During this phase, you can expect to begin to feel better and see a reduction of symptoms. Rather than guessing and continuously remaining in a cycle of reactivity, you’ll be able to begin to take your health back into your own hands.

Phase 3: Stabilization and Prevention – Your New Normal

Focused on stabilization and prevention, we’ll implement a structure to maintain your new, healthy normal. During this last phase we approach healthy living from a medical and lifestyle perspective. We’ll show you how to find balance, reduce stress and maintain optimal health into the future. We also focus on how you adopt strategies and practices that will help you feel stronger, and pain free without the need for continued intervention.

The New Normal is about putting you in the driver’s seat for years to come. Learn more about The New Normal

Your journey to balance and restore your health begins today. Learn how Brandwein Institute can help you find relief.

Founder Meryl Brandwein understands what it’s like to face a debilitating diagnosis, constant fatigue and what feels like limited options. Her methodology is designed to help supplement traditional medical treatment with a focus on integrative nutrition that can improve strength, balance, restore, stabilize and put you back on the journey to optimal health.

Meryl works with individuals facing a number of different illnesses, including:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Autoimmune Health
  • Hormonal Imbalance

We also work with individuals who are affected by conditions that can benefit from a nutritional approach to personal health struggles including:

  • ADHD
  • Kids and Teens
  • Sports Performance
  • Detox Cleanse

Food can truly be an answer to free you from pain and stepping into health you never thought possible. Begin by scheduling your consultation and enjoy better health 

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