Episode 171: The Truth About Heart Health And A Plant-Based Diet

I truly do love talking with experts in their fields of study and this week was no different. I had the sincere pleasure of speaking with world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn.

Dr. Kahn. is an interventional cardiologist whose focus is centered around the idea that a plant-based diet is the most powerful source of preventative medicine on the planet.

Today Dr. Kahn and I address the topic of protein, an extremely hot and triggering topic these days. Dr. Khan shares his views on what we need to know about cardiovascular disease and what the important aspects of testing and screening we all should be doing to prevent cardiovascular disease from wreaking havoc on our lives.  

We talk about lifestyle factors that are crucial to help prevent and manage cardiovascular disease, and why Dr. Kahn believes a plant-based diet is key to longevity.

We talked about:

  • Dr. Kahn’s journey to a plant-based diet
  • Why we screen for cancers but not for heart disease risk
  • What we can do to support those who don’t yet have obvious heart disease risks
  • Why statins are prescribed so commonly and if they actually help
  • The surprisingly low cost of heart disease screening tests
  • The lifestyle shifts you can easily make to improve your heart health
  • The tests Dr. Khan recommends if you want to truly check your heart health
  • The relation between cholesterol numbers and heart health
  • A surprising example of a ‘healthy’ person with a big risk for heart disease
  • Why a high protein diet has become the norm and Dr. Khan’s view of that
  • Recent research on the use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Research on the benefits of a plant-based diet
  • The environmental, sleep, and stress-based impact on heart health

Read a transcript of this episode.

More details on the article on the effectiveness of grounding

More details on the article on a 12-week yoga practice

P.S. This week use code REBEL10 to receive a 10% discount on this week’s featured supplement, Homocysteine Supreme which contains synergistic nutrients to help with detoxification, immune function, joint and cartilage structure, brain and cardiovascular health. 

 If you’re not already a member of our Dispensary, register and then look for “+ Featured Product” near the bottom left of the page.

And don’t forget, if you’d like personalized advice on what supplements might be best for you, contact us.

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