What a fascinating and fun conversation I had today with Aaron Novello.
Aaron is a realtor and an expert in behavioral health coaching. While his expertise is in Real Estate Coaching, there is no doubt that this type of coaching is relevant to all aspects of life.
Human behavior is universal and understanding how our own individual identities play into what shapes us as humans is where our conversation starts.
Take a listen to hear how Aaron describes the process of behavior change and what he means when he talks about the triangle.
We talk about so many fascinating aspects of this topic and truly uncover some amazing insights into why we act the way we do, and why we tend to resist that which could be so beneficial to our success, whether it’s in business, life or health.
Take a listen, I am sure you will learn something new about how you behave and what you can help yourself begin to do to make positive changes in your life.
Aaron and I talk about:
- How to achieve lasting behavioral change
- Why we can know something is good for us, but just not do it
- The stories we tell ourselves, and that are told about us
- How we create our identity
- How and why self-sabotage can break good habits
- What he calls the triangle of identity
- Why gathering more data and information won’t help us change behavior
- Things to try when we want to reshape our identity
- The fear of what comes next when you change your identity
- How coaches can help you through the process to lasting change
- The importance of community and purpose
To read a transcript, click here.
To find out more about Aaron, check out his website.