
Episode #111: Inflame-aging: Why We Don’t Need To Decline As We Age

I talked with Ayurvedic Doctor Shivani Gupta about her integrative approach to health, well-being, and most importantly an area she is passionate about, controlling inflammation. If you aren’t sure what Ayurvedic medicine is, Shivani explains this time-honored holistic approach to healing, and how it saved her life. Dr. Shivani Gupta and I had a fantastic […]

Episode #91: Colorful Food To Heal Your Whole Body

Today It was my sheer pleasure to have Dr. Deanna Minich on my podcast. Deanna is a true pioneer in the world of functional medicine and functional nutrition  As a fellow “disruptor” Deanna has been talking about food as a way to heal the body and heal the mind and the spirit. Take a listen […]

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