
Re-Brand YOU

Learn how to take the leap from struggling with health issues to living a healthy, vibrant life

An 8-week program for women who have spent years trying all the fads and are ready to make real, lasting changes to their health. Let’s STOP the constant search for that magic bullet and work from the inside out to Re-Brand You!

Let's Rebrand

When Sunday night rolls around, what are you doing?
• Meal planning for a new diet starting tomorrow?
• Telling yourself that you will make it to the gym 3x this week?
• Feeling the exhaustion of the week before it’s even started and wishing you had more energy?
Before you know it, you end up overwhelmed and your inner critic takes over.

When we know something is not right with our body it’s so easy to jump into a new plan.

Keto. Crossfit. Supplements.
Whatever miracle outcome we scroll past next on social media.

But when the quick fix wins that they promised don’t materialize? It’s easy to feel lost, anxious and like a failure, once again.

If your friends and family and those influencers on social media can do it - why can’t you?

For those of us who’ve reached that stage of life where our bodies don’t respond quite as quickly as they did in our 20s, that old method of jumping into a 3-day cleanse or 2-week exercise plan just doesn’t cut it anymore.

And the truth is, those quick fixes we used in the past? They were setting us up for failure now. Wrecking our metabolism and teaching us that as long as we looked the way we were told on the outside, then the inside was healthy.
So that old way — of starting a quick-fix project to drop a few pounds — is setting us more-experienced-at-life ladies up to stall out before our bodies have even had a chance to get started.

And as we get older, what we also start to realize is that it’s not just about how we look.

• We want to feel less exhausted
• We want to stop those aches and pains before they start
• We want to know that our body is fine-tuned and running well, not just on exhaust fumes

We want to live a healthy life for decades to come (and we know we only have this one body to do it in)

That’s why you need to start by looking inwards, not out at what social media tells us we should look like.

You need to examine your own goals for your life, before it’s too late, and understand what has happened in the past that stops you from reaching it.

You need a balance of nutrition advice to get a good foundation on the foods that will nourish your body and brain.

You need a coach who can help you understand why you keep sabotaging yourself.
You need to find your true health and wellness at your own pace, not follow a promise to be there in 3 days' time.

You need . . .

Re-Brand YOU

An 8-week program for women who have spent years trying all the fads and are ready to make real, lasting changes to their health

The truth is - you can’t just ‘affirm your way into good health’ and neither can you make lasting changes by just counting macros and building a perfect nutrition plan.

The first step to Re-Branding your body is understanding that both are intertwined and realizing you need to work on them independently and in relation to each other

Instead of rushing to change how you look in 3 minutes a day or with a 5-day cleanse, how about you work from the inside out, take it slow, and let the re-brand take hold?
Hi, I’m Meryl
aka The Rebel Nutritionist.
I’m a Registered and Licensed Dietician and I focus on functional medicine. I’m one of the only nutritionists in South Florida certified in Genomics and Culinary Genomics.
When I was in my 30s I was diagnosed with cancer, and everything about my world turned upside down.
I stopped the cardio bunny routine, spending hours at the gym hoping I could exercise my way to thin.
I started to understand the power of food to optimize every system in our body, and I focused on improving my health for me and for my children.
For over 20 years at the Brandwein Institute for Nutrition and Wellness, I’ve focused on helping people like you find the right nutritional strategies for their health and wellness.
And I’m Shari,
a Master Certified Integrative Life Coach and Intuitive Healer.
I work with people who struggle with autoimmune disease, alopecia, family estrangement, and loss of self-identity to heal internally. My goal is to help support others so that they can make peace with and manage their health.
For years I lived in a prison of pain and disappointment. I felt drained by debilitating autoimmune problems and have struggled with my self-esteem since childhood.
After taking a Shadow Process workshop I realized that the things that impacted me in my outer world like my health and anxiety, needed to be healed in my inner world first.
For the past 10 years, I’ve worked with individuals and groups and as a mentor and Assistant Coach at Shadow Process 3 Day Workshops across the country.
Does this sound familiar...
• You’ve been dealing with health issues (i.e auto-immune disorders), but no doctor offers a solution that helps
• You’re struggling with weight gain and exhaustion, but still exercising
• You feel as if you’re losing muscle strength
•You’re dealing with hair loss or thinning

When you are ready to Re-Brand You, you’ll get . . .

Each week Meryl and Shari will alternate providing you with l education and support as you delve into a topic that relates to your body or your brain.

A solid understanding of the foundations of nutrition

How to build a healthy plate of food that works for your body, and a set of customizable recipes to support you as you learn to make the right choices at each meal

That lightbulb moment

as you realize the real reason why you keep falling off the diet wagon or stop going to the gym after a few weeks

Nurturing and understanding support

The support of other women who are on the same journey, and a chance to appreciate that everyone’s path is a winding one

A chance and plan

A chance to think, dream, and plan the life YOU have always envisioned and a way to commit to it, for good

You'll also get

Recipes for the week
Worksheets or journal prompts to allow you to reflect on your journey
Access to a private Facebook Group for further support
Worksheets to help you integrate concepts and tools discussed during the sessions

Week 1: Uncovering Your Vision

This week Shari will help you focus on YOU, who you are, where you’ve come from, and where you want to go.

We will:
  • Think about how to move from where you are now to where you want to be
  • Identity what your health is for
  • Dive into your passion; how it makes you feel and lights you up
  • Committing to self-care daily rituals

Week 2: Creating a Food Foundation

This week Meryl will explain the pillars of health and give you the knowledge and power to take control of your nutrition in a way that works for you.

We will:
  • Learn about macros, micros, and sugar and how they impact your nutrition
  • Understand how to balance your plate for a healthy meal no matter the time
  • Learn to build our own meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks
  • Work to complete your meal planner
  • Recipes that are delicious and easy

Week 3: Understanding Resistance and Excuses

This week Shari will help break down why resistance and excuses occur and help you explore the ‘incompletions’ in your life that may cause them.

We will:
  • Look at ‘incompletions’ and how to identify them
  • Look at where resistance and excuses are showing up and (how to stop them)
  • Create an action for the next week to resolve outstanding incompletions
  • Making fun new choices to support your health

Week 4: Intuitive Eating - Balancing Food and Mood

This week Meryl will talk about the disconnect we often feel around food and focus on mindful eating.

We will:
  • Mindful vs. emotional eating
  • Tips for intuitive eating around holidays
  • Uncover which foods impact our mood positively and negatively
  • Discover how food has the power to heal

Week 5: Breaking Down Beliefs

This week Shari will walk us through our belief systems - that have impacted our ability to reach for our vision.

We will:
  • Learn to identify the difference between fact and story
  • Look at the shadow beliefs that are limiting us and have been doing so since we were children
  • Shifting to a new empowering and long-lasting belief system

Week 6: The 5 Pillars of Health

This week Meryl will break down the 5 pillars of health and explain why reaching our vision is about so much more than food.

We will:
  • Identify what beliefs we hold around exercise, sleep, nutrition, stress, and relationships
  • Uncover what awareness we have about each pillar and its importance
  • Dispel the myths vs. facts about current trends and fads
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of “good marketing schemes”
  • Work in groups to share what we learned about ourselves in relation to the 5 pillars

Week 7: From Self-Loathing to Self-Loving

This week Shari will help us understand our different personas and the roles they play.

We will:
  • Learn about self-confidence - exactly what it is and how to achieve it
  • Consider the balance of our strengths and weaknesses and how to move into self-acceptance of that balance
  • Nourish ourselves from the inside by feeding our cells so they thrive
  • Work on loving the parts of ourselves that we hate
  • Look at how our nervous system responds
  • Give ourselves the gift of forgiveness

Week 8: Setting the Stage for Self-Nourishment

This week we will look back at what we’ve achieved so far and learn about how we connect the dots to create your own personal nutrition profile. How to truly nourish the self by nourishing our bodies at a cellular level. What coaching can do to support your progress.

We will:
  • What is personalized nutrition and how do we create our own roadmap for health and wellness
  • Understand our own character strengths and how we use those to support our health journey, and why it matters
  • Focus on the difference between treating your health issues from a symptom based model to a root cause one
  • Learn about the essential ingredients that nourish our bodies and create our own personal roadmap to health and wellness

Re-Brand YOU

Starting September 20, 2023

An 8-week program for those who’ve tried all the fads and are ready to make real, lasting changes to their health. Let’s STOP the constant search for that magic bullet and work from the inside out to Re-Brand You!



early bird special - purchase before 9/13/23 to secure your spot


as we enroll our first cohort (Pricing starts 9/12/2023 thru 9/20/2023).

“It changed my life. Meryl works to get to the root of the issue - not just the symptoms - all while educating you on food and its power of healing.”
Danielle B.
[Shari’s] possesses an intuitive prowess that cannot be taught, only cultivated. She consistently created safety through her attention to detail and . . . I was supported to open up to new levels of love and compassion for myself.”
Wendy S.

Frequently Asked Questions

The progam is intentionally 8 weeks long because we know that the process of Re-Branding You takes time.

We ask you to commit 2 hours from 6 – 8pm to attend our live, online meeting. We understand that occasionally you might miss one and a recording will be available, but we encourage you to attend live as often as possible.

We ask that you spend time reflecting on your journey each week.
There will sometimes be ‘homework’ but that mostly involves committing to a new practice and implementing it on a daily basis. Our motto is less is more!!

The goal of the program is to learn about how our bodies and minds work and live a life of personal, optimal health. If you are currently not in great health and haven’t gotten to the root cause of why, it’s quite likely that as you change habits and food in your daily life, you will lose weight as a result.

Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation