
Episode #164: Ozempic and Genetics: Your Questions Answered

Today I go into more about the GLP-1 medications, how they work and what they do in the body. If you are wondering where the genetics come into play be sure to listen. I discuss the what and why’s of genetics and how they can be super helpful in your weight loss journey. If you […]

Episode #163: Genetics, GLP-1s And Weight Loss

Today I will go into more about the GLP-1 medications, how they work and what they do in the body. If you are wondering where the genetics come into play be sure to listen. I discuss the what and why’s of genetics and how they can be super helpful in your weight loss journey. If […]

Episode #147: Mold, Gut Health And Perseverance

I have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to connect with and record this podcast with Dr. Jill Carnahan. Dr Jill is a well-known inspiration to those of us both inside and outside the functional medicine realm.   Her vast knowledge and personal experience with mold exposure gives her a unique lens. And her experience with other […]

Episode #133: In Defense Of Women

I always love my conversations with Amanda Archibald. A longtime friend, colleague and fellow gene sister, Amanda and I always have discussions worth listening to! This episode dives into the many issues facing women and the challenges they face as they navigate mid-life and beyond.  If you are dealing with symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, […]

Episode #129: Cancer: How To Focus On Your Health, Not Just The Disease

Let’s face it, cancer is a scary word.  When I was told I had cancer, my life turned upside down in a nanosecond.  So it’s safe to say that ever since then, I have made it my life’s work to help others be as proactive about their health and wellness so that they never hear […]

Episode #128: The Dangerous Dance Between Oxidative Stress And Inflammation

Inflammation is a word that is thrown around a lot when we talk about health and disease, and you may have a sense of what it is. Oxidative stress, on the other hand, is a very unfamiliar topic of conversation but it’s just as important to understand as inflammation.   Both play a huge role in […]

Episode #127: How To Manage Long Covid: Part 2

I loved digging into the topic of long covid with Dr. Tau Braun last week. If you haven’t listened yet, go check that out first. In this second part of our conversation, we cover the potential allergic reactions caused by the spike protein, how our genetic makeup influences how we react and absorb nutrients, and […]

Episode #126: How To Manage Long Covid: Part 1

My conversations with Dr. Tau Braun are always so fascinating and full of groundbreaking information. This interview was no different. If you have had COVID or maybe you’re not feeling quite up to par after you’ve been vaccinated, it’s possible that you are dealing with Long Covid symptoms. If you have strange symptoms that seem […]

Episode #117: Detox, Genetics, And Cancer: How They’re All Connected

I know we all can agree that the “C” word is a scary one.  Of course, I am talking about cancer.  No one should ever have to be diagnosed with this dreaded disease and after having experienced this firsthand, it’s not something we are ever prepared for.  This is why I do the work that […]

Episode #116: Detox And Genetics: Why It Matters And What You Should Know

Last week we covered all things detox. I certainly hope you learned a new thing or two about how your body works to keep you movin’ and groovin’! Detoxification is truly such an important process in the body, and I am sure we likely take it for granted.  We think that our bodies will just […]

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