
Episode #167: The Protein Conundrum

Protein, protein, protein.  This topic is everywhere. And I literally mean everywhere.  It is one of the most trending topics on social media, and people are talking about it wherever I go. Yet have you ever wondered where we get the recommendations that we do?  Have you ever thought about whether or not what you […]

Episode #159: Ozempic: The Missing Parts Of The Conversation

Today I dive into part 2 of the Ozempic conversation.  There is so much misinformation about this class of drugs and  I wanted to take a moment to share what I have learned and talk about what I have found through the research that I have done on this topic. Trust me this is a […]

Episode #148: From Cancer Diagnosis To Career Pivot: My Story

It’s been a while since I have introduced myself, told my story, and shared a little bit about the work I do and why I am so passionate about it! I have always said that I am my own N of 1.  What that means is that I have been my own best experiment through […]

Episode #144: Quantum Biology: The Key to Health

We hear a great deal about quantum theory in the world of science and technology, but how do these concepts apply in the arena of health and wellness?  Well if you are curious, like me, you sit down with renowned expert Dr. Catherine Clinton to find out more! Dr. Clinton is a licensed naturopathic physician […]

Episode #100: A Coach’s View Of The Health And Wellness Industry

Welcome to episode 100! In this episode I have a round table with my coaches, to talk about what we see in the health and wellness industry. This week we talk about the trends we have noticed in our industry and with the clients who come through our doors. The coaches and I talk about: […]

Episode #99: Where’s The Beef: Picking The Right Nutritional Plan

In the second part of my interview with  Dr. Connealy, Medical Director of Cancer Center for Healing and Center for New Medicine, we talked about infections and why almost all disease stem from them. We also talked about her passion, which is hormonal issues, and discussed why hormones are one of the most powerful things […]

Episode #95: The Mind-Body Connection With Rick Carson

Here’s part 2 of my interview with Rick Carson, the well-known author of Taming Your Gremlin. Rick is a practicing psychotherapist, and consultant to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and several United States government agencies. In this one, we talked about how we hold and experience feelings and emotions in our body, and the importance of meditation […]

Episode #92: Nourish Your Whole Self

 This is the second part of my discussion with Deanna Minich, MS, PhD, CNS. She’s a nutrition scientist, teacher, and author with over 20 years’ experience in academia and the food and dietary supplement industries. She talked to me  about how the color of food impacts our health, and the importance of nourishing your […]

Episode #88: What’s The Deal With Nutrition Advice, Anyway?

Who do we trust and what are they telling us? Today’s conversation with Amanda Archibald – my fellow “gene sister” was so insightful. While we did rant a little- we both equally agree that the state of where we are regarding valid accurate and applicable nutrition advice is abominable. If you are confused about nutrition […]

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