Episode #3: How Long Until I Feel Better?

Listen to the episode: If you haven’t been feeling well for a while, it can be hard to imagine that you’ll feel good again. Especially if everything you’ve tried isn’t working the way the health professionals promised. On this episode, my friend and client Linda discusses her experience with acid reflux and how her […]
Episode #2: Why I really hate the diet mentality

Listen to the episode: I truly hate the culture of diet mentality that exists for most of us today. I hate it because the mentality is backwards. And it can do such damage to our long-term health. This episode of the podcast covers why your health shouldn’t fit in a box that says gluten […]
Episode #1: Feeling Anxious Still? You’re Not Alone

Listen to the episode: The truth is that anxiety and stress have reached pandemic proportions . . .and most of us are still struggling to cope. You can see it even in the actions this week. Whether it’s teens wanting to break free and let loose or the fact that a study showed this week […]
3 Steps to A Better Relationship With Food

3 Steps to A Better Relationship With Food Mindful Eating: A Practice It’s time for a new relationship with food. Have you ever noticed how complicated your relationship with food has become? On some days it’s a burdensome adversary and on others, it’s your closest friend. Next to money, food is the one thing people […]
Gratitude Can Change Your Brain

How Gratitude Impacts Your Physical & Emotional Health There is no question that gratitude is good for you. And with Thanksgiving around the corner, I thought it might be good to explore how it really works to improve your health! Now, you might be wondering why I’m talking about a topic like gratitude . . […]
Is Junk Food Making Your Teen Depressed?

Can junk food really be making teens more depressed? If you’re anything like me, you grew up at a time where Tab and Diet Coke were all the rage, and we routinely snacked on Domino’s pizza, Cheetos and Doritos with our friends. We didn’t care what we ate and honestly – we didn’t know any […]
The Surprising Link Between Nutrition & Mental Health

Until recent years, one of the most unrecognized factors contributing to mental health has been the role of nutrition. At best, nutrition was given only a secondary glance or left for moms to notice as they gave their kids a dose of sugar and watch the obvious side effects only minutes later. But if you […]