
Committing to a Weight Loss Regimen Doesn’t Mean Deprivation

Committing to a weight loss regimen doesn’t mean deprivation and shouldn’t be about starvation. It’s a process and along the way we need to make sure we are not beating ourselves up for the occasional diversions that lead us astray. Sometimes a diversion happens so take a break and recheck yourself.  Below are a few […]

How Do Your Health Habits Stack Up?

There is no question that preventing disease is much easier than treating disease. Prevention however is not a priority in our current healthcare system. Studies indicate, that an increasing number of people are learning to advocate for their own health and wellbeing. As individuals begin to take a proactive approach to preserving their health they […]

Taking steps towards better health…One ingredient at a time..

Often times people are not quite certain what to expect when they go to see a nutritionist.  They are well aware, however,  that there’s a pretty good likelihood that something in their diet will have to change.  Believe it or not, it’s for this very reason that people put off coming to see me.  Ask […]

Can Exercise Boost your Immune System?

What do we know about the benefits of exercise? Are there proven health benefits? Is it safe to work out when you have a cold? And, how much and what kind of exercise does it take to get these benefits? Most people blindly follow exercise routines and fitness instructors without knowing whether their work outs […]

Buckwheat: The Gluten-free Grain Substitute/Vegetarian Protein

Most health conscious people don’t think of waffles and pancakes when they think of breakfast, but it turns out that both foods can be highly nutritious and health promoting if the right ingredients are used. Researchers in Madrid, Spain have highlighted several healthy aspects of consuming Buckwheat and the flour made from it. Indulging in […]

GMO’s are dangerous

Americans have been consuming processed foods with GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), since the 90’s. The inserted genes are taken from different species, including bacteria and viruses, which have never before been in the human food supply. These organisms are dangerous. They have been linked to thousands of toxic and allergic reactions in people and thousands […]

Big Day Out?

Summer is on its way and the long hot days will be upon us.  As the weather heats up, most people try to find excuses to stay out of a hot kitchen, which means eating out becomes a more favorable option.  Eating out can certainly be a welcome alternative to a hot kitchen; the issue […]

Should I…Ask My Doctor??

Often I find myself yelling at my TV.  When I hear a ridiculous commercial advertising a medication and at the conclusion that soft sweet voice lists the possible side effects, it kills me.  Then that lovely voice suggests that you should contact your doctor for more information.  I ask you.  Is your doctor really the […]

Want to know what’s wrong with you? Try peeling an onion!

Okay, so I don’t mean literally that you should go into the kitchen and peel an onion and poof… all your health woes will be cured.  Actually, what I am trying to point out is that learning how to understand what is wrong with – our Wholesale Nike Washington Redskins Jerseys bodies is very much […]

Are YOU eating Wallpaper?

What?! you Inevitable say? Wallpaper?  Who on wholesale nfl jerseys earth would eat wallpaper?  If your diet consists of foods that contain ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, white flour, Konferencija and trans-fats, then you are pretty much eating wallpaper – Lots of gooey, sticky, paper like stuff without much nutritional value.  These three […]

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