
Episode #183: Instagram Live With The Coaches: A Year in Review

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Meryl Brandwein, RDN l Functional Medicine Nutrition (@rebel.nutritionist) Ever feel like the journey to better health can feel overwhelming at times?  You’re not alone! That’s exactly why I was thrilled to join Coaches Michele and Amanda for a powerful Instagram LIVE session earlier this week. We […]

Episode #182: Is It Picky Eating Or Something More?

We all need to eat to survive. We assume that eating is second nature. But did you know that there are many factors that impact how a person consumes food?  We often hear the term “picky eater,” it’s often just an assumption that this type of behavior goes along with childhood development. But did you […]

Episode #181: Body Alignment As A Key To Health

I never truly knew or understood how impactful body work could be until I interviewed Faysal Abi today on my podcast.   Faysal is a leader in the area of understanding the human body’s design, function, pain and the mind-body connection to it. If you are dealing with any type of chronic pain issue you are […]

Episode #180: Genetics Talk With Dr. Shivani

I love the incredible amount of detail I learn from a client’s genetic report. From there I create a DNA blueprint that takes all that technical knowledge and turns it into something they can  understand and use to create real change in their lives. So many people come to me having spoken to other doctors […]

What this Past Year and COVID Has Taught Us

It’s been a year since the world first learned of COVID and life as we knew it in 2019 completely changed. For many of us, the things we took for granted have now become treasured – including time with family, eating out with friends and travel.  We’ve also learned that our health isn’t something that […]

Simple Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes that Lead to Big Results

When it comes to prevention and long-term wellness, the truth is that some of the simplest nutrition and lifestyle changes often lead to the biggest results. There is this misconception that in order to reap the benefits of long-term health and wellness that you have to adopt a strict Tom Brady like diet of fish, […]

Be Proactive! Health Strategies for 2021

For decades, proactive health in the United States meant simply going to your doctor for your annual check-up, getting your flu shot and popping a multivitamin every morning. It might also include some form of testing, better nutrition and exercise, but for years those people were labeled “health nuts” or “die hards” – leaving the […]

Genomic Testing: The Crystal Ball You’ve Always Waited For?

Your father had Type II Diabetes in his mid 40’s. Your grandmother died of lung cancer (and she never smoked). And your sister just completed testing for an autoimmune scare. She’s fine. But all this has you wondering. . . what lies ahead for me? Sometimes you wish you had a crystal ball that could […]

Are Plant Based Foods Really Better?

Remember when mom used to sneak vegetables into your favorite meals just to get you to eat better? Well, it turns out she may have been onto something. These days you can’t walk through the grocery aisle or even Burger King without someone offering a plant based alternative to some of your favorite meals! The […]

Is Junk Food Making Your Teen Depressed?

Can junk food really be making teens more depressed? If you’re anything like me, you grew up at a time where Tab and Diet Coke were all the rage, and we routinely snacked on Domino’s pizza, Cheetos and Doritos with our friends. We didn’t care what we ate and honestly – we didn’t know any […]

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