
Episode #28: Tips To Help Prevent Cancer – Making Changes That Matter

Listen to the episode:   Phew! Today I was fired up to have that “c” word conversation.  Last week Dr. Cordova and I talked about hormones, the stigma around them and the concerns about hormone replacement and cancer.  Today I wanted to address prevention.  There is so much fear associated with cancer and rightly so.  […]

Episode #27: Not Your Mother’s HRT – The Future of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Listen to the episode:   Today I was privileged to interview Dr. Marlene Tages-Cordova, AKA Dr. T, about the common misconceptions people hold about hormone therapy.  We touched on topics ranging from why we should even consider taking hormones, to understanding how hormones are processed in the body and why knowing that information is so […]

Episode #26: The Lost Art of Cooking

Listen to the episode:     Today we talk about food! Jeanne Petrucci is a woman on a mission to help us all get back into the kitchen. She is a fellow registered dietitian – and also a nutrition educator. She is dedicated to helping us connect the dots between the importance of getting back […]

Episode #25: How To Eat Healthily At College

Listen to the episode:     I am super excited to share today’s podcast with everyone because this one is near and dear to my heart. I was able to grab  2 of my 3 children – Lindsay and Ashley – and sit down with them for a candid conversation about food, health, stress, and […]

Episode #24: A Skeptic’s Journey Into Functional Medicine

Listen to the episode:     Today I was privileged to have an amazing conversation with one of our long-time clients, Rob Isbitts. Rob’s journey initially began when he sought us out for treatment of his ongoing digestive issues. Rob was the consummate skeptic and it was only after the process of diagnosing and subsequently […]

Episode #23: How To Face The Fears Of Change To Improve Your Health For Good

Listen to the episode:     In today’s discussion with our amazing health coach Michele Baron, I got to put her in the client spotlight!  Michele talks candidly and openly about how she confronted her fears about testing and how she embraced the process of change. Michele talks about how she, like so many of […]

Episode #22: Genomics: Your Questions Answered

Listen to the episode:     I had a great conversation on the podcast this week with my friend and colleague Amanda Archibald.  Amanda and I have been working together in this genomic space for years and I consider her my genetic sister! We took a deep dive into all things genetic and looked at […]

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