Episode #177: How Your Food Might Be Making You Sick Avoiding The Weight Gain Rollercoaster After GLP-1
With so many of our clients on the GLP-1 medications, we figured it was time to address the elephant in the room. How do you maintain weight loss once you come off of the medications? It is a well known fact that the majority of people on GLP-1 medications see rapid weight gain once they […]
Episode #172: The How And Why Of Teaching Our Children To Eat
Let’s face it, raising kids can be challenging. We all want the best for our children, and teaching them how to take care of themselves is an important job for us parents. Speaking from experience, I know what it’s like to get the push back from not only my kids, but from society itself. We […]
Episode 171: The Truth About Heart Health And A Plant-Based Diet
I truly do love talking with experts in their fields of study and this week was no different. I had the sincere pleasure of speaking with world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn. Dr. Kahn. is an interventional cardiologist whose focus is centered around the idea that a plant-based diet is the most powerful source of preventative […]
Episode #170: Inflamm-aging: How inflammation Will Impact Your Longevity
We hear about inflammation, we know it’s not good for you, but do you really understand what it is and how it impacts your health? Did you know that ongoing inflammation will impact your longevity? Do you know there are specific tests you can take that show levels of inflammation? Are you aware of the […]
Episode #169: What’s So “Natural” About Your Anti-Aging Skin Care?
There is a lot of buzz about anti-aging skin care products and they seem to be everywhere. Are you one of those people who falls for those clever marketing ploys, do you believe everything you hear? I mean if a well known Hollywood star endorses it, it must be great, right? Well what if […]
Episode #168: How Transformation Can Lead To Weight Loss
Is weight loss the key to healthy and wellbeing? One of my most favorite things to do is talk to clients about their amazing success stories with us. But, our success stories aren’t just about weight loss. As a matter of fact, most of the time, weight loss is the side effect of adopting new […]
Episode #167: The Protein Conundrum
UPDATED AUGUST 6 Our Response to Comments and Questions from our Episode, 167 – The Protein Conundrum Since our original release, we’ve had many comments and questions. We greatly appreciate your feedback and your comments. When we set out to do the podcast our objective, while we knew it would create controversy, was to shed […]
Episode #83: The Process Of Transformation
Today I had a fun conversation with my partner Howie about his journey and the amazing progress he has made! I always say this work is a process. Howie talks about his journey, and what he found out about himself as he began doing this work. If you are wondering what change looks like, if […]
Episode #82: Bone Health – Why Thinking We’re Living Healthy Might Not Be Enough
If you, or someone you know is dealing with osteopenia or osteoporosis, you are going to want to listen to this great conversation I had with Dawn Holey, owner of OsteoStrong in Ft. Lauderdale. If you are trying to understand how to best manage this condition, and are confused about the information you are getting, […]
Episode #63: The How And Why Of Teaching Our Children To Eat
Let’s face it, raising kids can be challenging. We all want the best for our children, and teaching them how to take care of themselves is an important job for us parents. Speaking from experience, I know what it’s like to get the push back from not only my kids, but from society itself. […]