
Episode #115: The Ins And Outs Of Detoxification

Today I am doing a solo podcast to bring you all kinds of information about Detoxification. Why am I doing this podcast you ask?  Well, it’s because you asked!  We get so many questions about this topic, I figured it was time to actually address it as a stand-alone topic.  This episode addresses the basics […]

Episode #105: Dispelling The Myths Of Weightlifting

 Do you think you need to do endless amounts of cardio to manage your weight? Do you think if you lift weights your muscles will get “too” big? Do you think weightlifting is just for bodybuilders? If you said yes to any of these questions you definitely want to listen to this episode.  What […]

Episode #93: Genetic Testing – Making Sense Of The Science

What a fascinating conversation I had today with Amanda Schuh, one of our health coaches and Wellness Coordinator at Brandwein Institute for Nutrition and Wellness. You see, she just completed her genetic testing and after she reviewed it with me she was amazed at what she had learned.  In today’s podcast, you will get to […]

Episode #72: Learning About Health And Nutrition On Social Media

Colby Kranz and I had such a great time talking that we had to split this one into a 2 parter! In the second part of my interview with Colby, health coach and founder of LivingPurely, we focused on the influx of health and nutrition trends, fads, and ‘hacks’ on social media these days, and […]

Episode #51: Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Listen to the episode: I’m aware that a lot of the conversations around health often focus on women, and in light of the fact that April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month, I want to devote all of April here at the Rebel Nutritionist to men’s health.  I had the pleasure of talking to two amazing […]

Episode #50: The Importance Of The Mind-Body Connection

Listen to the episode: This week on the podcast, I continued my chat with Tamsin Astor, coach and author of Force of Habit: Unleash Your Power by Developing Great Habits. Tamsin has a PhD in neuroscience and psychology, and it was fascinating to learn a bit more about the science of what’s going on in […]

Episode #49: How To Build Habits For A Healthier Lifestyle

Listen to the episode: Many of our clients understand that they need to make changes to their lifestyle to meet their health goals, but knowing and doing something about it are two very different things. It’s why we encourage clients to add coaching support, from one-off sessions or limited support like with our 30-day Your […]

Episode #48: The Truth About IV Infusion Therapy – Is It Worth It?

Listen to the episode:   It seems like IV vitamin infusion treatment centers have been popping up around every corner, especially post-pandemic.   Many of these “drip bars” often make false promises of a quick fix. That infusions will cure everything from a hangover to all your ills, and perhaps this is why they have gotten […]

Episode #41: A Holistic Approach to Breast Cancer Prevention

Listen to the episode: oday I had a candid conversation with breast oncologist Dr. Alejandra Perez. Dr. Perez has been working in the field for more than 20 years and is now director of the Breast Cancer Program at Sylvester-Plantation for the University of Miami Health System Covering topics such as early detection and prevention, […]

Episode #40: Debunking the Hottest Diet Trends

Listen to the episode: Our first of 2022 is all about diets – and why we shouldn’t listen to all the recent New-Year’s Resolution fad-dieting advice being thrown around Instagram and TikTok right now! If you are confused about food and health, but are also eager to get started on those New Year’s Resolutions (and […]

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