
Episode #169: What’s So “Natural” About Your Anti-Aging Skin Care?

There is a lot of buzz about anti-aging skin care products and they seem to be everywhere.   Are you one of those people who falls for those clever marketing ploys, do you believe everything you hear? I mean if a well known Hollywood star endorses it, it must be great, right? Well what if […]

Episode #168: How Transformation Can Lead To Weight Loss

Is weight loss the key to healthy and wellbeing? One of my most favorite things to do is talk to clients about their amazing success stories with us.  But, our success stories aren’t just about weight loss. As a matter of fact, most of the time, weight loss is the side effect of adopting new […]

Episode #149: Why You Should Give Functional Medicine A Try

If you are struggling trying to find answers to your health conditions, or are being told there is nothing wrong with you, when you feel just awful, then you are going to want to listen to this week’s podcast. In this podcast, we discuss what functional medicine is, how it works, and why it might […]

Episode #145: How To Pick The Right Foods For Your Body

Have you found that you are more confused than ever about what to eat and how to achieve optimal health? Never has there been a time where knowing what to eat and how to take care of your health and wellbeing was more baffling than it is now. In a time of never ending influencers, […]

Episode #129: Cancer: How To Focus On Your Health, Not Just The Disease

Let’s face it, cancer is a scary word.  When I was told I had cancer, my life turned upside down in a nanosecond.  So it’s safe to say that ever since then, I have made it my life’s work to help others be as proactive about their health and wellness so that they never hear […]

Episode #124: Healthy Kids, Healthy Parents – A Checklist

 What behaviors are you modeling for your children? Have you ever stopped to think about how your habits and behaviors impact your children’s lives? Take a listen as Amanda and I explore the 5 pillars of health. What they are and how we can use them as a basis to create healthy routines for […]

Episode #123: Living Not Just Longer, But Healthier

I’m so excited because Shari Coltune and I are starting a new 8-week program to help Re-Brand You! We’ll be blending our expertise (mine, in relation to nutrition and hers, in relation to mindset work) to help you reframe your goals and your body so you can create a unique roadmap to wellness based on […]

Episode #105: Dispelling The Myths Of Weightlifting

 Do you think you need to do endless amounts of cardio to manage your weight? Do you think if you lift weights your muscles will get “too” big? Do you think weightlifting is just for bodybuilders? If you said yes to any of these questions you definitely want to listen to this episode.  What […]

Episode #93: Genetic Testing – Making Sense Of The Science

What a fascinating conversation I had today with Amanda Schuh, one of our health coaches and Wellness Coordinator at Brandwein Institute for Nutrition and Wellness. You see, she just completed her genetic testing and after she reviewed it with me she was amazed at what she had learned.  In today’s podcast, you will get to […]

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