Episode #113: What Exactly Is Functional Nutrition?
What do we do exactly? It’s a question we often get asked! Are you experiencing pain and frustration and not getting any answers? Do you feel as though you are being let down by the medical system? Are you being given pills and medication just to manage a symptom? If you said yes to any […]
Episode #90: Rebel Rewind – Making Changes In Your Health And Lifestyle Is Not Just About Willpower: Why Boundaries Matter
As we head into 2023, I thought it was worth doing a Rebel Rewind of one of my favorite episodes – number 28 – with Nancy Lewin on boundaries. Nancy is a life coach and best-selling author of many books, including Setting Boundaries Will Set you Free. There were so many amazing topics we touched […]
Episode #68: Testing, Testing! A Deep Dive Into The Tests Functional Nutritionists Use
In the second part of our deep dive on functional nutrition, I chatted with Amanda Shuh, our Director of First Impressions at The Brandwein Institute for Nutrition & Wellness in more detail about the types of tests we generally use, and how we decide on the right test (and the right time to take it) […]
Episode #67: What Exactly Is Functional Nutrition?
What do we do exactly? It’s a question we often get asked! Are you experiencing pain and frustration and not getting any answers? Do you feel as though you are being let down by the medical system? Are you being given pills and medication just to manage a symptom? If you said yes to […]
Episode #65: Self-sabotage And How To Keep Going With The Hard Work Of Healing Ourselves
I had such fun talking with Renie Anderson last week on the podcast, and we couldn’t help but continue the conversation and talk about a specific thing I hear a lot in discovery sessions with clients, and follow ups; the release, and then the pull-back of wanting to solve the problem. Renie talked through with […]
Episode #64: Wired And Tired: A Solution To Slow Down
Ever wonder how to change the dialogue in your head so that you aren’t focusing on the negative all of the time? So often we move through life with thoughts that keep us from realizing our true potential. We have dreams, desires and goals, and yet the overwhelming fear of failure prevents us from even […]
Episode #63: The How And Why Of Teaching Our Children To Eat
Let’s face it, raising kids can be challenging. We all want the best for our children, and teaching them how to take care of themselves is an important job for us parents. Speaking from experience, I know what it’s like to get the push back from not only my kids, but from society itself. […]
Episode #62: The Journey From Illness To Wellness
There are few things more frustrating than being told you are “normal” or “fine” when you feel anything but that. Our very own, Amanda Schuh went through years, many many of them being told she was fine and normal when she knew something was wrong. As a young adult, when she should have been in […]
Episode #61: Weightlifting Myths Debunked: The Secret Benefits Of Resistance Training
There are so many misconceptions about weightlifting and resistance training out there — and I hear lots of them every day at the Brandwein Institute. The truth is, resistance training doesn’t have to be miserable, it definitely shouldn’t be causing you pain — and you don’t even need to be doing it in a gym! […]
Episode #60: The Truth About Women And Weight Lifting
Today I had the pleasure of sitting down with our very own certified personal trainer, Jessie Ben Dayan. We had an amazing conversation about the myths and facts surrounding weight lifting, cardio workouts and all things in between. If you are confused about whether or not you should incorporate weights into your routine, or if […]